KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) 男女聲:女性主義書寫的一次實踐. 北京:社科文獻出版社, 206pp. ISBN 978-7-5097-0016-7
YUEN TSANG Wook Ki, Angelina, CHAN Kam Tong, IP Fu Keung, David, NG Guat Tin, HO Sim Ki, Jennis, (2008) 深圳特區社會工作人才隊伍試點研究. 香港:香港理工大學, 72頁.
YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, CHAN Kam Tong, IP Fu Keung, David, NG Guat Tin, Ho Sim Ki, Jennis, (2008) 社會工作者進修及註冊續期制度國際比較研究. 香港:香港理工大學, 72頁.
IP Fu Keung, David, (2008) The Chinese Economy in the 21st Century: Enterprise and Business Behaviour. Edited by Barbara Krug and Hans Hendrischke. Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar, 2007. xv, 264pp. Pacific Affairs, 81(2), pp.277-278.
KU Hok Bun, CHAN Kam Wah, (2008) An Analysis of Employment Situation of South Asian Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong. In Wong Siu Lun et al (Ed.), Chinese Societies in New Century: An Analysis of Social Indicator (pp.215-240). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. ISBN 978-962-441-572-8
KU Hok Bun, Ben, CHAN Kam Wah, (2008) An Analysis of Employment Situation of South Asian Ethnic Minority in Hong Kong. In Wong Siu Lun et al (Ed.), Chinese Societies in New Century: An Analysis of Social Indicator, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, pp.215-240. ISBN 978-962-441-572-8
YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) A journey of 1000 miles begins with one step: The development of culturally relevant social work education and field work practice in China. In Mel Gray, John Coates and Michael Yellow Bird (Eds.), Indigenous Social Work around the World: Towards culturally relevant education and practice, Ashgate, Burlington, USA, pp.177-190. ISBN 978-0-7546-4838-3
KU Hok Bun, Ben, CHAN Kam Wah, SANDHU Karamjit Kaur, (2008)「種族和諧」的面紗背後,種族主義與香港巴基斯坦移民的就業問題. In 夏曉鵑、陳信行、黃德北, (Eds.), 跨界流離:全球化下的移民與移工,下冊, 台灣社會研究雜誌社, 頁3-36. ISBN 978-986-84601-9-5
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) 農村社會工作的内容. In 張和清、古學斌、楊錫聰等 (Ed.), 農村社會工作, 北京:高等教育出版社, pp.149-170. ISBN 978-7-04-024395-6
KU Hok Bun, Ben, 張和清, 吳世友, (2008) 農村社會工作的實務模式與技巧. In 張和清、古學斌、楊錫聰等 (Ed.), 農村社會工作, 北京:高等教育出版社, pp.171-199. ISBN 978-7-04-024395-6
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) 安能辨我是雄雌:少年易服的故事和其他. In 古學斌 (Ed.), 男/女聲:女性主義書寫的一次實踐, 北京: 社科文獻出版社, pp.64-82. ISBN 978-7-5097-0016-7
阮曾媛琪, 陳錦棠, 葉富强, 黃月珍, HO Sim Ki, Jennis, (2008) 社會工作試點情況研究. In 深圳市社會工作者協會(Eds.), 社會工作國際論壇文集,2, 深圳, 2008年11月, 深圳市社會工作者協會, 深圳, pp.12-30.
ZHANG, He Qing, YEUNG , Sik Chung, KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) 優勢思角下的農村社會工作. In 張和清, (Ed.), 農村社會工作 (pp.218-236), 北京:高等教育出版社, ISBN 9787040243956
IP Fu Keung, David, (2008) Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia. By John Fitzgerald. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2007. pp. xiv, 289. Journal of Chinese Overseas, 4(2), pp.292-293 (Nov 2008)
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, WONG, Thomas, (2009) Family in Flux: Benchmarking Family Changes in Hong Kong Society. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 4, pp.17-56.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, KWOK, YAN Chi Jackie, (2008) Making a Habitable Space with the New Arrival Women in Hong Kong: An Interdisciplinary Participatory Action Research. Action Research, 6(3), pp.279-301 (2008)
ZHANG He Qing, YEUNG Sik Chung, KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) 優勢視角下的農村社會工作. 社會學研究, 138(6), 174-193.
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2008) Education for Migrant Children in Mainland China – Problem and policy. International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) 34th Congress, Durban, South Africa, (July 2008).
KU Hok Bun, Ben, CHAN, Kam Wah, (2008) South Asian's Situation of Education in Hong Kong: an observation and discussion. Social Indicator Research Seminar, 4th Conference, Hong Kong, (29-30 August 2008).
KU Hok Bun, Ben, YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, (2008) Design for Development: an Exploratory Study in an Ethnic Minority Community of Yunnan Province, PRC. 34th Biennial Congress of the International , Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), ICC – Durban, South Africa, 20 – 24 July 2008).
SUNG CHAN Po Lin, Pauline, (2008) Educating reflective family therapists in Hong Kong, 5th Beijing Psychotherapy World Pre- Congress workshop, Beijing, (10-11 Oct 2008).
SUNG CHAN Po Lin, Pauline, SZE ALAN, KONG Alice, YANG Xilian, LIN Violette, HUI Stanley, GULDAN Georgia, WONG Gary, CHAN Juliana, ZHAO Xudong, (2009) Exploring Biological, Psychosocial and Behavioral Determinants of Adolescent Obesity. American Psychosomatic Society 67th Annual Scientific Meeting: A Psychosomatic Research and Care across the life course, Chicago, IL USA, (March, 4-7 2009).
YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2008) Balancing Tensions between the Global and the Local: Challenges and Opportunities Confronting the Development of Social Work Education in China. 34th Biennial Congress of the International , Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), ICC – Durban, South Africa, (20 – 24 July 2008)
HANG Yue Ngo, PUN Ngai, (2009) Gender, Work and Employment in the "Global Condition". In Fanny M. Cheung and Eleanor Holroyd (Eds.), Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 49-79.
IP Fu Keung, David, JOHNSON, H, CHUI, ERIC, (2009) Learning Experiences and Outcomes of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students at the University of Queensland. 1st Ed. (54 pp.) School of Social Science, the University of Queensland, Brisbane.
IP Fu Keung, David, YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, (2009) Indigenizing Social Work Education: Experiences of People’s Republic of China Students in Hong Kong. In Ramon, S. and Zavirsek, D. (Eds.), Critical Issues in Comparative Social Work and Social Policy Research (pp.165-180). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.
PUN Ngai, (2009) Gendering the Dormitory Labor Regime: Production and Reproduction in South China. In Gunseli, Gale and Dong Xiao-yuan (Eds.), Gender, China and the WTO. Routledge: New York and London.
PUN Ngai, (2009) The making of a global dormitory labor regime: labour protection and labor organizing of migrant women in South China. In Rachel Murphy (Ed.), Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China (pp.154-170) New York and London: Routledge.
TSUI Ming Sum, LUI Jimmy K.W., (2010) Labour Welfare in Hong Kong: Its Context and Content. In Paul A. Kurzman and R. Paul Maiden (Eds)., Union Contributions to Labor Welfare Policy and Practice: Past, Present and Future, London: Routledge, 279-285 (January 2010)
PUN Ngai, (2009) 導讀:一個工人階級的消逝. In 賈樟柯 (Eds.), 關於集體記憶中國工人訪談錄的故事.香港 :商務印書館, , 頁5-7.
CHAN King Ching Chris, PUN Ngai, (2009) The Making of a New Working Class? A Study of Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China. China Quarterly, 198, 287-303.
CHEN Juan, CORCORAN, MARY, (2010) Temporary Employment and the Transition from Welfare to Work. Social Service Review, 84(2), 175-200.
CHEN Juan, GEE, G.C., SPENCER, M.S., DANZIGER, S.H., TAKEUCHI, D.T., (2009) Perceived Social Standing among Asian Immigrants in the U.S.: Do Reasons for Immigration Matter? Social Science Research, 38(4), 858-869.
CHEN Juan, (2009) Coordinating Community Organizations in Urban China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 18(4), 385-394.
GUO W.H., TSUI Ming Sum, (2010) From resilience to resistance: A reconstruction of the strengths pespective in social work practice. International Social Work, 53(2), 233-245.
IP Fu Keung, David, CHAN , K.T., LAU, S-M, (2009) Social Work Professionalization in China: the case of Shenzhen. China Journal of Social Work, 2(2), 85-94.
IP Fu Keung, David, (2009) Counter Forces of Globalization. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 50(2), 249-251.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, YUEN TSANG, Woon Ki Angelina, LIU, Hsiaochun, (2009) Triple Capacity Building as Critical Pedagogy: A Rural Social Work Practicum in China. Journal of Transformative Education, 7(2), 146-163.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2010) Bypassing Government/Reconstructing the Village: Formation of Self-organization in a Hakka Community in South China. Rural China: An International Journal of History and Social Science, 7, 268-291.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, PEI, Yu Xin, ZHANG, He Qing, (2009) Guangzhou social workers in Yingxiu: a case study of social work intervention in the aftermath of the Sichuan 5.12 earthquake in China. China Journal of Social Work, 2(3), 151-163.
KU, Hok Bun, YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, LIU, Hsiaochun, (2009) Triple Capacity Building as Critical Pedagogy: A Rural Social Work Practicum in China. Journal of Transformative Education, 7(2), 146-163.
LEUNG Pak Nang, PUN Ngai, (2009) The Radicalization of the New Working Class: The Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China. The Third World Quarterly, 30(3), 551-565.
PUN Ngai, CHAN King Chi, CHAN Jenny, (2010) The Role of the State, Labour Policy and Migrant Workers' Struggles in Globalized China. Global Labor Journal, 1(1), 132-151.
PUN Ngai, LU Huilin, (2010) Neoliberalism, Unbanism and the Plight of Construction Workers in China. World Review of Political Economy,1(1), 127-142.
PUN Ngai, LU Huilin, (2010) Neoliberalism, Urbanism and the Plight of Construction Workers in China. Journal of the World Association for Political Economy, 1(1), 127-141.
PUN Ngai, (2009) Light and Shadow of an Inarticulate Age: Reflections on China's Reform. Economic and Political Weekly,18(52), 70-85.
PUN Ngai, (2009) Chinese migrant women workers in a dormitory labour system. Asia Insights, 1, 9-13.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2009) 農民工社區網絡與行動--行動研究. 開放時代(Open Times), 7(205), 5-7.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2009) 城鄉連接與農民合作. 開放時代 (Open Times), 9, (207), 5-28.
PUN Ngai, 盧暉臨 (2009) 暴力的根源:揭開建築業拖欠工資的面紗. Journal of Local Discourse, 209-218.
CHEN Juan, WU, K, SUNG, P, (2010) Families on the Move in China: Challenges, Strategies, and Implications for Policy and Practice. 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: The Agenda, Hong Kong (June 10-14, 2010).
IP Fu Keung, David, (2009) From Disaster Management to Preparedness: Paradigm Shift and Implications for Social Science Practitioners. International Academic Conference on Disaster Management and Social Work: Policy, Practice and Research, GIS Convention Centre, National Taiwan University, Taipei (14-15 December 2009).
IP Fu Keung, David, (2009) New Directions in Transmigration Research: Some pertinent observations. Transnational Migration: New Trends and Problems, Population and Gender Research Centre, National Taiwan University and Association of Demography Taiwan, Taipei (18 December 2009).
IP Fu Keung, David, (2009) Simultaneity and Liminality: Identity anxieties of 1.5 Generation Chinese Migrants in Australia. Chinese Circulatory Diaspora, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences Hong Kong University (9-10 December 2009).
IP Fu Keung, David, (2010) Emerging Social Fault Line or New Social Movement: The “Post-80s” Young People and Social Development in Hong Kong. Public Seminar, Population and Gender Studies Centre, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (3 May 2010).
IP Fu Keung, David, (2010) Fair-trading its Way Out of Poverty: The Case of Pingzhai, Yunnan Province. Public Seminar, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (4 May 2010).
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2010) A process of social reproduction: limited education opportunities for the second generation of rural-urban migrants in China. the 5th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong , The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (8-9 January 2010).
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2010) The interaction of migration and education policies: a process of social reproduction among the second generation of rural-urban migrants in China. Li & Fung China Social Policy Summit: China's Social Policy and Development in Reform Period, PolyU-PKU China Social Work Research Centre, Beijing (11-12 March 2010).
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2009) A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire: Training of Trainer Program for Sichuan Post-earthquake Relief in China. Social Work in Times of Disaster: Implications for Social Work Education and Practice Conference, Durham University, UK, April.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2009) Design for Development: an exploratory study in an ethnic minority community of Yunnan province, PRC. Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity, The 16th World Congress of The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan University, July 27-31.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2009) Triple Capacity Building as Critical Pedagogy: Teaching Students Doing Rural Social Work in China. International conference on Education, Imperialism, and Resistance, Shih Hsin University, Taipei (10-11 August, 2009)
PUN Ngai, (2009) Making a new working class in China: Gender and Labor Issues. paper presented at Conference on Gendering Climate and sustainability, University of Copenhagen, The Coordination for Gender Studies. Belgium (14 March 2009).
PUN Ngai, (2009) State-in and State-out: The Paradoxical Labor Policy and Migrant Workers' Struggle in China. Keynote Speech at CASID, Congress of the Humanities and Social Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (May 29).
PUN Ngai, (2010) 建筑业农民工的权益保障. 劳动合同法两周年学术研讨会, 北京, 1月5 日.
PUN Ngai, (2009) 大工地:建筑业农民工的階級形成. 社会学讲座, 南京大学, 11月9 日.
PUN Ngai, (2009) 階級形成: 建筑业农民工的生存和抗争. 第二届中国政治经济学年会, 上海财经大学,上海, 11月7 日.
PUN Ngai, (2009) 中国海外研讨. 開放時代论坛, 广州, 12月28-29 日.
CHAN Yuk Chung, (2011) Final Report on Consultancy Study for Save the Children China Program(116pp.). Hong Kong: Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
CHAN Yuk Chung, CHUNG, K.W., (2011) Parental Perspectives on Child Neglect (A consultancy study commissioned by the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong SAR Government) (138 pp.). Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
KU, Hok Bun, CHAN Kam Wah, LO, Suk Ling, SINGH, Tikajyoti, (2010) Understanding Multiracial Hong Kong: Eight Stories of South Asians in Hong Kong (1st Ed.). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (220pp.). ISBN 978-962-367-691-5
KU Hok Bun, Ben, WANG, Si Bin, (2010) New Issues and New Practice of Socials Work Research in China (1st Ed.) (308pp.) Beijing: Peking University. ISBN 9787301099261
KU Hok Bun, Ben, CHAN, Kam Wah, LO, Suk Ling, SINGH, Tikajyoti, (2010) Understanding Multiracial Hong Kong: Eight Stories of South Asians in Hong Kong (1st Ed.) (220pp.). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. ISBN 978-962-367-691-5
PUN Ngai, LEE Ching Kwan, (2010) Aufbruch Der Zweiten Generation: Wanderarbeit, Gender and Klassenzusammensetzung in China (1st Ed.) (294pp.) Berlin: Assocation A. ISBN 978-3-935936-93-4
PUN Ngai, (2010) Pracownice Chinskich Fabryk (Chinese Women Factory Workers)(1st Ed.) (220pp.) Poland: Poznan, Wydanie I.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, 王思斌, (2010) 從災難中反思社會工作. 古學斌、王思斌編, 中國社會工作研究的新議題、新實踐, 北京大學出版社, 北京, 頁1-8. ISBN 9787301099261
PUN Ngai, 盧暉臨, 張慧鵬, (2010) 大工地上的中國農民工之歌(第一版). 香港:商務印書館(香港)有限公司, 231頁. ISBN 978 962 07 6454 7
IP Fu Keung, David, (2011) Simultaneity and Liminality: Identity anxieties of 1.5 generation Chinese migrants in Australia. In Ip, Manying (Ed.), Transmigration and the New Chinese: Theories and Practices from the New Zealand Experiences. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 163-182.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2010) Cultural Renewal and Community Development: A Case Study of Building Hakka Museum in Fanling, Hong Kong. In Jiang Mingxiu (Ed.) (pp.207-224). Taipei: City Governance of Hakka, BestWise Co. Ltd. ISBN 9789577297846
KU Hok Bun, Ben, YUEN TSANG, Woon Ki Angelina, (2010) Capacity Building. In Mark Bevir (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Governance, Sage, London, 469-483. ISBN 9781847875778
KU, Hok Bun, YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, (2010) Capacity Building. In Mark Bevir (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Governance (pp. 469-483). London: Sage. ISBN 9781847875778
PUN Ngai, (2010) The Politics of Dyscape: Globalisation, Community and the Power of Place. In Tang Wing-Shing and Fujio Mizuoka, (Eds.), East Asia: A Critical Geography Perspective (pp.218-230). Tokyo: Kokon Shoin. ISBN 978-4-7722-2010-1
PUN Ngai, (2010) Light and Shadow of an Inarticultate Age: Reflections on China's Reform. In Nirmal Kumar Chandra (Eds.), China After 1978: Craters on the Moon (pp.161-178). India: Orient BlackSwan. ISBN 978-81-250-3953-2
PUN Ngai, SMITH Chris, (2010) Dormitory labour regimes and the labor process in China: new workers in old factory forms. In Susan McGrath-Champ, Andrew Herod and AI Rainnie (Eds.), Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space (pp. 228-248). UK and USA: Edward Elgar. ISBN 978-1-84720-054-9
CHAN Yuk Chung, (2011) 疏忽照顧兒童 - 保護兒童工作重要的一環. In 鄭敏敏 (Eds.), 2011兩岸四地學生輔導研討會“蛻變中的你我他”論文集, 中國澳門, 澳門街坊聯合總會, 頁105-110, 2011年2月20至22日.
CHAN Yuk Chung, LAM , L.T.G., SHAE, W.C., (2011) Children's views on Child Abuse and Neglect: Findings from an exploratory study with Chinese children in Hong Kong. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(3), 162-172.
CHAN Yuk Chung, YEUNG W.K.J., (2010) Family Functioning of Chinese Families in an Impoverished Neighborhood in Hong Kong. Psychological Reports, 107(3),740-748.
CHOO, H. K, SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) Health Risk Behaviors of Foreign-Born Adolescents in Singapore: Exploration of Risk Factors in an Asian context. British Journal of Social Work, 40(7), 2203-2222.
CHUN, P.K.R., CHUI, Y.H., CHAN Yuk Chung, CHENG, C.H.H, (2010) Police work with youth-at-risk: What can social work contribute? Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 31-48.
GENTILE D.A, CHOO H. K, SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, KHOO A, LI D. D, (2010) Pathological Video Game Use among Singaporean Youth. Annuals of Academy of Medicine Singapore, 39(11), 822-829.
LEUNG, Zeno C.S., CHEUNG, C.F., CHU, K.F., CHAN Yuk Chung, LEE, W.B., WONG, Robert Y.W, (2010) Assessing Knowledge Assets - Knowledge Audit of a Social Service Organization in Hong Kong. Administration in Social Work, 34(4), 361-383.
PUN Ngai, LU Huilin, (2010) A Culture of Violence: The Labor Subcontracting System and Collective Actions by Construction Workers in Post-Socialist China. The China Journal, 64,143-158.
PUN Ngai, LU Huilin, (2010) Unfinished Proletarianization: Self, Anger and Class Action of the Second Generation of Peasant-Workers in Reform China. Modern China, 36(5), 493-519.
NG, Adolf, KOO Ching Hua, Anita, PALLIS, Athanasios, (2011) Professionalization of the shipping industry via postgraduate education. Ocean & Coastal Management, 54(5), 364-373.
SAUTMAN, Barry, YAN Hai Rong, (2010) Chinese Farms in Zambia: From Socialist to ‘Agro-Imperialist’ Engagement? African and Asian Studies, 9, 307-333.
費梅苹, 阮曾媛琪, CHAN Yuk Chung, (2010) 上海偏差青少年邊緣化的過程研究 ─ 紮根理論研究方法的運用. 中國社會工作研究, 7, 109-132.
PUN Ngai and 卢晖临, (2010) 暴力文化:分包劳动体制与后社会主义时代建筑工人的集体行动. 领导者, 33, 71-79.
PUN Ngai and 卢晖临, (2010) 暴力文化:分包劳动体制与后社会主义时代建筑工人的集体行动. 领导者, 33, 71-79.
SAUTMAN, Barry, YAN Hai Rong, (2010) 非洲人對中非關係的認知(下). 西亞非洲, 11, 51-59.
SAUTMAN, Barry, YAN Hai Rong, (2010) 非洲人對中非關係的認知(上). 西亞非洲, 8, 69-72.
YAN Hai Rong, (2010) 階級的言說和改造:勞心與勞力、性別與階級之二. 開放時代, 6, 121-139.
YAN Hai Rong, (2010) 知識分子負擔’與家務勞動: 勞心與勞力,性別與階級之一. 開放時代, 6, 103-120.
YUEN TSANG Woon Ki, Angelina, 陳沃聰, 費梅苹 (2010) 上海偏差青少年邊緣化的過程研究— 紮根理論研究方法的運用. 中國社會工作研究, 7, 109-132.
CHEN Juan, (2010) Challenges and Strengths of Families on the Move in China. Coping Resilience & Hope Building. Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Brisbane, Australia (July 9-11, 2010).
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2010) Student or Labour? – Expansion of vocational schools and the growing number of student workers in Chinese factories. The 12th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong Baptist University (5 December 2010).
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2010) Teachers in migrant schools: Care workers who have low status and low income in Chinese cities. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2010, England, University of Brighton. 7-9 September 2010.
KU, Hok Bun, (2010), Rural-Urban Alliance in Fair Trade as the New Model of Poverty Intervention: A Case Study in Yunnan Province, China. 2010 International Consortium for Social Development Asian Pacific Branch Conference, South Korea, Seoul National University (10-12 November, 2010)
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2010) Social Work Education and Social Transformation. Conference on Theory and Practice in Social Sciences, Taipei, Shih Hsin University. (September 25-26, 2010)
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2010) Rural-Urban Cooperation as New Form of Social Movement: a Case Study in Yunnan of China. Conference on Theory and Practice in Social Sciences, Taipei, Shih Hsin University (September 25-26, 2010).
KU, Hok Bun, (2011) Disaster and Rebirth - Unthinking Social Work and Disaster Intervention. Conference on Post-disaster Community Rebuilding: Social Work and Social Management, organized by Lvgen Social Work Development Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Sichuan, 20-21 May 2011.
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) Developing maps in a changing territory: Sichuan Expanded School Mental Health Project. Ethical and Methodological Issues for Research into Disaster and Practice Response Conference and Seminars, Durham, UK (March 18 – 22, 2010).
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) The heart and soul of social work across borders. Social Workers’ Day 2010 Inaugural Symposium, Singapore (March 16, 2010).
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) The growing pains of family therapy in Singapore. Generating Conversations Conference, Singapore (June 21 – 22, 2010).
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) Community mental health, resilience and social work in post disaster contexts. Santiago, Chile, Latin America (July 16 – 17, 2010).
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) Difficult or Easy: Family Assessment of ex-offenders’ family in Singapore. Beijing (Oct 15 - 17 2010).
SIM Boon Wee, Timothy, (2010) Engaging the family members of young ex-offenders and drug abusers using practice based evidence in Hong Kong and Singapore. Conference for the Transformation of At-Risk Youths, Singapore. (Nov 9 - 11, 2010).
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) 災難與重生--否思社會工作與災害管理. 灾後社區重建 -- 社會工作與社會管理研討會, 成都, 5月20-21, 中山大學,公民社會中心.
PUN Ngai, (2011) Avis Au consommateur (1st Ed.) L'INSOMNIAQUE, CLERMONT-FERRAND, 155pp. ISBN 978-2-915694-54-3.
PUN Ngai , 盧暉臨, 郭于華 and 沈原 , (2011) 富士康背后的連還跳 (1st Ed.) (100pp.) 香港:商務出版社.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, 楊鍚聰, 張和清, 裴諭新, (2011) 災害社會工作 -- 中國的實踐與反思(第一版),社會科學文獻出版社,香港,295頁, ISBN 978-7-5097-2267-1.
PUN Ngai and YU, XIAOMIN, (2011) Wal-Martization, CSR and the Labour Standards of Toy Factories in South China. In Anita Chan (Ed.) , pp.54-70, Wal-Mart in China. USA: Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0-8014-7731-7.
CHAN Yuk Chung, (2011) 疏忽照顧兒童 - 保護兒童工作重要的一環. In 鄭敏敏(ed.), 2011兩岸四地學生輔導研討會“蛻變中的你我他”論文集, 中國澳門, 2011年2月20至22日, (pp.105-110). 中國澳門:澳門街坊聯合總會。
CHAN Yuk Chung, (2011) 社會工作者在青少年矯治工作的角色. In 中國青年政治學院(ed.), 少年法制:轉型與創新研討會, 北京, 2011年12月16-17日, pp.307-312.
CHAN Yuk Chung and Yu Ning, (2011) Some Cultural Thoughts on Child Abuse. Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences, 30(2), 125-129. (CSSCI, PKU)
CHAN Yuk Chung and YEUNG W.K.J., (2011) The mediating role of parental psychological health in . Drustvena istrazivanja: Journal for General Social Issues, 20(4), 1085-1100.
CHAN Yuk Chung and Yu Ning, (2011) Some Cultural Thoughts on Child Abuse. Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences, 30(2), 125-129. (CSSCI, PKU)
CHEN Juan, TAKEUCHI, D, (2011) Intermarriage, Ethnic Identity, and Perceived Social Standing among Asian Women in the U.S.. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 73(4), 876-888.
CHEN Juan, (2011) Internal Migration and Health: Re-examinining the Healthy Migrant Phenomenon in China. Social Science and Medicine, 72(8), 1294-1301.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) "Yingxiu Mother" as Agent of Development - a Case Study of Rural Social Work Intervention in Sichuan Post-disaster Community in China. Korean Journal of Rural Welfare Studies, 7, 33-54.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Lo sviluppo delle competenze nel tirocinio come pratica educativa riflessiva: un esempio di educazione dell’assistente sociale in Cina” (in Italian). Educational Reflective Practices Journal, Vol. Summer (1), 60-75.
KU Hok Bun, Ben and IP, Fu Keung David, (2011) Designing Development: A Case Study of Community Economy in Pingzhai, Yunnan Province, in PRC. China Journal of Social Work, 4(3), 235-254.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Gendered suffering: married Miao women’s narratives on domestic violence in southwest China. China Journal of Social Work, 4(1), 23-39.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Happiness being like a blooming flower’: an action research of rural social work in an ethnic minority community of Yunnan Province, PRC. Action Research, 9(2),344-369.
PUN, Ngai and KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) China at the crossroads: social economy as the new way of development.. China Journal of Social Work, 4(3), pp.197-199.
PUN Ngai and KU, HOK BUN , (2011) Special Issue on Social Economy in Chinese Societies. China Journal of Social Work, 86pp. London: Routledge. ISBN 1752-5098.
PUN Ngai and LUI, HUILIN, (2011) Kultur der Gewalt. Das Subunternehmersystem und kollektive Aktionen von BauarbeiterInnen im postsozialistischen China. Sozialgeschichte (Social Histroy), 5, 38-63.
PUN Ngai and XU, YI, (2011) Legal Activism or Class Action? The political economy of the "no boss" and "no labour relationship in China's construction industry". China Perspective, 2, 9-17.
PUN Ngai and LUI, HUILIN, (2011) Unvollendete Proletarisierung - Das Selbst, die Wut and die Klassenaktionen der zwetien Generation von BauernarbeiterInnen im heutigen China. Sozialgeschichte (Social History), 4, 36-69.
YUEN-TSANG, A., SUNG Chan Po Lin, Pauline, ZHANG, L.X., (2011) Reconciling Conflicts: The "Accidental" Women Leaders in Contemporary China. Affiliate - Journal of Women and Social Work, 26(3), 314-326.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) 三重能力建設與社會工作教育. 浙江工商大學學報, 109(4), 86-95.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) 社會工作教育與社會轉型. 思想戰線, 226(4), 38-46.
PUN Ngai, 郭于华, 沈原 and 卢晖临, (2011) 2010年‘两岸三地'高校富士康工人调查. 领导者, 38, 55-87.
PUN Ngai and 邓韵雪, (2011) 富士康代工王国与当代农民工. 中国工人, 2, 27-33.
PUN Ngai, (2011) 從富士康跳樓事件看中國農民工未完成的無產階級化. 公共生活評論, 2, 125-135.
PUN Ngai and许怡, (2011) 探访富士康的工伤员工. 中国工人, 4, 41-44.
PUN Ngai and 梁自存, (2011) 生活空间:囚在富士康代工王国.中国工人, 3, 36-40.
PUN Ngai , 郭于华 and 卢晖临 (2011) 解构富士康. 中国工人, 1, 22-24.
PUN Ngai (2011) 階級的失語與發聲 -- 中國打工妹研究的一種理論視角. 家庭與性別評論, 44-63.
CHEN Juan, (2011) The Healthy Migrant Paradox? Internal Migration and Health in China. The 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Tampa, FL, USA, 12-16 (January, 2011).
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Disaster and Rebirth – Unthinking Social Work and Disaster Intervention. Conference on Post-disaster Community Rebuilding: Social Work and Social Management, organized by Lvgen Social Work Development Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Sichuan, 20-21 May.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Fair Trade, Rural-urban Alliance and Poverty Intervention in China -- a Case Study in Yunnan Province. Who Do Practice for Rural Welfare? Learning from Experiences with Community Development among Asian Countries, 2011 Asian Rural Welfare Symposium, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Korea, 29 November.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011)“Yingxiu Mother” as Agent of Development: A Case Study of Rural Social Work Intervention in Sichuan Post-disaster Community Rebuilding in China. 21st Asia-Pacific Social Work Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo, 15-18 July.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Moving at the Margin of the City: the Community Self-protection movement in China. 2011 Taiwan Social Study Association Annual Conference, Taipei, Shih Hsin University, September 24-25.
KU Hok Bun, Ben, (2011) Rural-urban Alliance as an Alternative Theory and Practice of Rural Community Development. Community Practice: Theories and Skills, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 18-19 August.
PUN Ngai, (2012) Made in China: Vivre avec les ouvrières chinoises (French Version)(1st Ed.) (285pp.) ?ditions de l'Aube, France.
YAN Hairong and SAUTMAN, Barry, (2012) The Chinese are the Worst? : Human Rights and Labor Practices in Zambian Mining (1st Ed.) (100pp.) Baltimore: University of Maryland School of Law. ISBN 1932330399 (Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies)
KU Hok Bun (2012) 幸福像花一样:文化/生计、妇女与发展 – 一项中国农村社会工作行动研究的实践记录 (1st Ed.) (128pp.) 北京:北京大学出版社. ISBN 9787301099.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy and QI, H.D, (2012) Wenchuan Yingxiu Primary School Photo-story book. [汶川映秀小学生照片故事书] (104pp.) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Sichuan Expanded School Mental Health Network. ISBN 978-988-16411-1-3.
CHEN Juan and GALLAGHER, M, (2013) Urban Social Insurance Provision: Regional and Ownership Variations. In D. Besharov & K. Baehler (Ed.), Chinese Social Policy in a Time of Transition, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.86-100.
齐华栋 and SIM Boo Wee, Timothy, (2013) 康复家庭的支持系统分析. In 陈会全、欧羡雪编 (Eds.) (pp. 31-34), 腳步 ─ 5.12以后康复社会工作的实践. 安徽:安徽黃山出版社.
CHEN Juan, CHEN, S and LANDRY, P, (2013) Migration, Environmental Hazards, and Health Outcomes in China. Social Science & Medicine, 80, .85-95.
CHEN Juan, (2013) Perceived Discrimination and Subjective Well-being among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 40(1), 131-156.
CHEN Juan, KIM, I and SPENCER, M, (2013) Social Determinants of Health and Mental Health among Asian Americans in the United States. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 3(4), 346-361.
CHEN Juan and ZHU, S, (2013) The Digital Divide in Individual E-commerce Utilization in China: Results from a National Survey. Information Development, 29(1), 69-80.
KU Hok Bun and YAN Hairong, (2013) 团结经济、星星之火. 台湾社会研究季刊, 91,205-212.
IP Fu Keung, David, (2013) Memories of a Future Home: Diasporic Citizenship of Chinese in Panama . Journal of Population Studies, 46, 175-179.
KOO Ching Hua, Anita, (2012) Is there any chance to get ahead? Education aspirations and expectations of migrant families in China. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33(4), 547-564
PUN Ngai, (2012) Global Capital, the State and Chinese Workers: The Foxconn Experience. Modern China, 38(4), 383-410.
PUN Ngai and CHEN, Jenny (2012) The Spatial Politics of Labor in China: Life, Labor, and a New Generation of Migrant Workers. The South Atlantic Quarterly, 38(4), 383-410.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy, YUEN, W.K.A., CHEN, H.Q. and QI, H.D., (2013) Rising to the occasion: Disaster Social Work in China. International Social Work, 56(4), 544-562.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy, (2012) The growing pains of family therapy in Singapore. Journal of Family Therapy, 34(2), 204-224.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy., GENTILE, D., BRICOLO, F., SERPELLONI, G. and GULAMOYDEEN, F. (2012) A Conceptual Review of Research on the Pathological Use of Computers, Video Games, and the Internet. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10(5), 748-769.
YAN Hairong and SAUTMAN, Barry, (2013) The Beginning of a World Empire'?: Contesting the Discourse of Chinese Copper Mining in Zambia. Modern China, 39(2), 131-164.
KU Hok Bun and YAN Hairong, (2013) 团结经济、星星之火. 台湾社会研究季刊, 91,205-212.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy and QI, H.D (2012) 社会工作机构督导培养路径选择.社会工作, 8, 31-33.
SIM Boo Wee Timothy and LIU, L. X, (2012) Post-earthquake teachers’ mental health service critical overview – Discussion of school social work value and target clientele 地震灾区学校教师精神健康服务的缺失与介入—兼论学校社会工作的价值理念与服务对象. Sichuan Institute of Socialism Journal 四川社会主义学院学报, 2, 4-6.
SIM Boo Wee Timothy and LIU, L. X, (2012) School social work and teacher mental health practice research in post-disaster context 地震灾区学校社会工作与教师精神健康服务探析. Social Work 社会工作, 5, 60-63.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy and NG, G.T (2012) An analysis on counterpart assistance policy for Wenchuan. 中国灾区重建《对口支援》政策之分析–以汶川为例. Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University 浙江工商大学学报, 115(4), 71-77.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy and CHEN, H.Q, (2013) 中国灾害社工调查.中国社会工作, 5月下, 23-24.
SIM Boo Wee, Timothy and NG Guat Tin, (2012) An analysis on counterpart assistance policy for Wenchuan. 中国灾区重建《对口支援》政策之分析–以汶川为例. Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University 浙江工商大学学报, 115(4), 71-77.
YAN Hairong and KU Hok Bun (2013) 团结经济、星星之火. 台湾社会研究季刊, 91, 205-212.
ZHANG, He Qing and KU Hok Bun, (2012) 七仙娘的故事:乡村旅馆与另类社会经济的实践.开放时代, 236 (2), 8-11.
CHEN Juan, CHEN, S and LANDRY, P, (2012) Inequality in Exposures to Environmental Hazards and Resulting Health Outcomes in China. The 2nd Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, July 8-12.
CHEN Juan, (2012) The Experience and Consequences of Perceived Discrimination among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China. The 2nd Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, July 8-12.
CHEN Juan, (2013) Chronic Conditions, Health Insurance and Receipt of Treatment in China. The 17th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, San Diego, CA, USA, January 16-20.
KU Hok Bun, (2012) The Return of Actor – Social Work Education and Action Research. Crossing the Taiwan Strait Conference on Social Work Action Research, Beijing Conference Center, Beijing, September, 7-9.
KU Hok Bun and MA, Yuna, (2012) Rural-urban alliance as a new model for post-disaster community reconstruction - An action research in Sichuan of China. Social Work Social Development 2012: Action and Impact, Stockholm, Sweden, 8-12 July.
IP Fu Keung, David, 李碧涵, 林昭禎 and 裴晉國, (2012) 創新性就業指標與全方位就業發展: 全球金融危機後的新思維.第四屆發展研究年會, 跨X:風險與正義, National Taiwan University, 20-21 October, Taiwan.
IP Fu Keung, David, 李碧涵, 林昭禎 and 裴晉國, (2012) 創新性就業指標與全方位就業發展: 全球金融危機後的新思維.第四屆發展研究年會, 跨X:風險與正義, National Taiwan University, 20-21 October, Taiwan.
CHEN Juan, (2014) Urbanization and Mental Health in China. Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre. Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6 March.
PUN Ngai, YAN Hairong, KU Hok Bun and KOO Ching Wah, Anita, (2014) 社會經濟在中國超過資本主義社會的理論和實踐. 北京:社科文献出版社, (221pp.). ISBN 978-7-5097-4909-8(print)
PUN Ngai, CHAN Fung Yi, KOO Ching Wah, Anita and 盧燕儀, (2013) 不一樣的香港社會經濟超越資本主義社會的想像. 香港:商務印書局 (96pp.) ISBN 978-962-07-6528-5(print)
YAN Hairong and SAUTMAN, Barry (2013) 关于中国的修辞法?:对中国向发展中国家输送囚劳的谣言分析. In 李安山 (Ed.), 中国非洲研究评论2012 (pp.139-166). 北京:社科文献出版社.
KOO Ching Hua, (2013) 不一樣的貨幣、不一樣的社區經濟︰St. James – C.O.M.E. 社區經濟互助計劃. In Pun, N., Chan, P., Koo, A. and Lo, Y.Y. (Eds.), 不一樣的香港社區經濟 -- 超越資本主義社會的想像(pp. 97-110). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Commercial Press. ISBN 9789620765285(print), 9620765281(electronic)
PUN Ngai and CHAN Fung Yi, (2013) 社會建設的另一種想象: 社會經濟在中國. In 何艷玲 (Ed.), 回歸社會: 中國社會建設之路 (pp.67-80). 中國:人民出版社. ISBN 978-7-01-012548-0(print)
YAN Hairong, (2014) 敲响粮食安全警钟.南风窗, 3頁 (Jan 2014)
YAN Hairong and CHEN,Yiyuan, (2013) 从大豆危机看食物主权, 19, 南风窗, 广州, 5頁.
CHAN, Jenny, PUN Ngai and SELDEN, Mark, (2013) The politics of global production: Apple, Foxconn and China's new working class: Politics of global production. New Technology, Work and Employment, 28 (2), 100-115 (Jul 2013). ISSN 02681072(print) (
CHEN Juan, WU, K, and SUNG Po Lin Pauline (2014) Re-uniting Family among Rural Migrants in Beijing. Ethnology, 50(4), 305-318.
CHEN Juan, (2013) Chronic Conditions and Receipt of Treatment among Urbanized Rural Residents in China. BioMed Research International, 1-8. (Article ID 568959)
SHERRADEN, M., ZHOU, L, DENG, S and KU Hok Bun, (2013) Special Issue: Lifelong Asset Building. China Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 101-222. ISSN 1752-5098(print)
KU Hok Bun, (2013) 妇女、手艺与合作经济:西南农村的一个案例. 台灣社會科學研究,91,240-258.
KU Hok Bun, (2013) Action Research and Social Work Intervention (行动研究与社会工作介入). China Social Work Research (中国社会工作研究), 10, 1-30.
PUN Ngai (2014) 社會主義國家發展經濟的初衷是什麼 — 煤礦工人話語權及主體性消逝的憂思. 學術前沿, 13-22 (Jan 2014). ISSN 20953461(print)
PUN Ngai and 吳瓊文倩, (2014) 2013年中國建築工人勞動合同的狀況. 經濟導報, 7, 64-67 (Apr 2014). ISSN 0013-0265(print)
CHEN Juan, (2013) Neighborhood Effects on Mental Health in Urbanizing China. Asia Mental Health Conference, Hong Kong, 20-24 November.
CHEN Juan, (2014) Research Dissemination: Scientific Publication and Beyond. Symposium on Social Work Practice Research. PKU-PolyU China Social Work Research Centre, Peking University, Beijing, 22-23 March.
KOO Ching Hua, (2014) Human Capital Regime in Neoliberal Economies: Having Vocational Education as a Self-investment Project among Youths in China. BSA (British Sociological Association) Annual Conference 2014, Leeds, United Kingdom, 23-25 April.
KU Hok Bun, (2013) State, Inequality and Rural Welfare in China: a critical review from the Maoist period to reform era. Development and Prospects of Rural Welfare in Three Asian Countries: China, Japan, and Korea, Mokpo, South Korea, Research Institute of Welfare Society, 6-7 December.
KU Hok Bun and KWOK, JACKIE Y. C. (2013) Growing Old in Hong Kong: A Life Story Research. 42nd Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford University, 11-13 September, British Society of Gerontology (BSG), UK.
KU Hok Bun, (2013) Education, Labor Market Segmentation and Class Reproduction: a case study of South Asian ethnic minority in Hong Kong. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference, University of Warwick, UK, 3 to 5 September, British Sociology Association.
Pun Ngai (forthcoming, 2015) Labor in Post-Socialist China, Polity Press.
Pun Ngai, Jenny Chan and Mark Selden (forthcoming, 2015) Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and Lives of the Chinese Workers, Roman and Littlefield; translated in Chinese, German, Italian and Spanish.
Pun Ngai and Anita Koo (forthcoming, 2015) ‘A “World-Class” (Labor) Camp/us: Foxconn and China’s new generation of labour migrants’ in Positions.
Pun Ngai, Yan Hairong, Anita Koo & Bun Ku, (forthcoming, 2015) Social Economy in China and the World. Routledge.
卫小将(2015)《本土化与土生化 - 中国社会工作发展的检视与重构》,北京:社科文献出版社。
潘毅 陈慧玲 马克·塞尔登 (2015)《苹果背后的生与死:生产线上的富士康工人》,香港:中华书局。
Chen, Juan (forthcoming). Rural-to-urban Migrants: Access to Welfare Services and Integration into Urban Life. In Beatriz Carrillo Garcia, Johanna Hood, & Paul Kadetz (Eds.), Handbook of Welfare in China, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Chen, Juan & Chen, Shuo (2015). Mental Health Effects of Perceived Living Environment and Neighborhood Safety in Urbanizing China. Habitat International, 46, 101-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.11.002.
Chen, Juan, Davis, Deborah S., Wu, Kaming, & Dai, Haijing (revised and resubmitted). Life Satisfaction in Urbanizing China: City Size and Pathways to Urban Residency Matter. Cities.
Chen, Juan, Chen, Shuo, & Landry, Pierre F. (under review). Urbanization and Mental Health in China: Linking the 2010 Population Census with a Cross-sectional Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Ku, Hok Bun & Ma, Yuna (in press) “’Rural-Urban Alliance’ as a New Model for Post-Disaster Social Work Intervention in Community Reconstruction – The case in Sichuan, China”, International Social Work.
Pun, Ngai, et al. "Worker–intellectual unity: Trans-border sociological intervention in Foxconn." Current Sociology (2014): 62:2: 209-223.
Flecha, Ramon and Pun Ngai. "The challenge for Mondragon: Searching for the cooperative values in times of internationalization." Organization 21.5 (2014): 666-682.
潘毅 (2014)“社会主义国家发展经济的初衷是什么——煤矿工人话语权及主体性消逝的忧思”,《学术前沿》(人民论坛),1月,页13-22。
古学斌(2015) “为何做社会工作实践研究”《山东青年政治学院学报》,第二期,第1-5页。
Chen, Juan (2015). Urbanization and Subjective Well-being: Exploring County-level Variations in China. Paper to be presented at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Singapore, 7-10 July, 2015.
Chen, Juan (2015). Preferences of Family, Community, and Residential Elder Care in Urban China. Paper to be presented at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Singapore, July 7-10, 2015.
Ku, Hok-bun., and Jin Gong (2016). Working with the Marginalized: Gender/Sexuality and Social Work. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China). (in Chinese).
Ku, Hok Bun & Zhang Heqing (forthcoming) Rural Social Work in China. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (in Chinese).
Pun, Ngai, Ku, Hok Bun, Yang, Hairong & Koo, Anita (2015) Social Economy in China and the World. London: Routledge.
Pun, Ngai (2016). Migrant Labor in Post-Socialist China. New York and London: Polity Press.
Pun, Ngai., Jenny Chen, and Mark Selden (forthcoming). Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and Lives of the Chinese Workers. New York: Roman and Littlefield. This manuscript has been translated and published into Italian, Spanish and Chinese in 2015.
Song Lei & Sun Xiaodong (2016) Democratic Economy. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China) (in Chinese)
Chen, Juan (forthcoming). Rural-to-urban Migrants: Access to Welfare Services and Integration into Urban Life. In Beatriz Carrillo Garcia, Johanna Hood, and Paul Kadetz (Eds.), Handbook of Welfare in China, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Chen, Juan (revised and resubmitted). Migration and Urban Mental Health in China. In Povl Munk-J?rgensen, Niels Okkels, and Christina B. Kristiansen (Eds.), Mental Health and Illness Worldwide, Mental Health and Illness in the City.
Chen, Juan (under review). Pathways to Urban Residency and Subjective Well-being in Beijing, China. In Ray Forrest, Julie Ren, Yip Ngai-Ming and Bart Wissink (Eds.), “The City” One Hundred Years On: Researching Cities from Chicago to Shenzhen.
Ip, David., and Liyue Wu (2016). From Makeshift Tents to Apartment Units: Women Rebuilding Life in Post-Disaster Sichuan. In Anthony Elliott, Eric L. Hsu (Eds.), The Consequences of Global Disasters, Chapter 10. New York, London: Routledge.
Ku, Hok Bun & Ma, Yuna (2015) “"Yingxiu Mother" as Agent of Development” in Pun Ngai, Ku Hok Bun, Yan Hairong and Anita Koo (edited) Social Economy in China and the World. London: Routledge.
Ku, Hok Bun (2015) “Rebuilding Cultural Assets in an Ethnic-Minority Village in Yunnan Province, China” pp. in Sherraden, Michael, Zou Li, Ku Hok Bun, Deng Suo and Wang Sibin edited Asset-Building Policies and Innovations in Asia. London: Routledge.
Lee, Bih-Hearn Virginia., Lih-Rong Wang, and David Ip (2015). Atypical Employment and Social Quality: Experiences from South Korea and Taiwan. In Wang Lih-Rong and Alan Walker (Eds.), Comparative Social Quality between Taiwan and Korea, Chapter 3. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.
Chen, Juan, Deborah S. Davis, Kaming Wu, and Haijing Dai (2015). “Life Satisfaction in Urbanizing China: The Effect of City Size and Pathways to Urban Residency.” Cities49: 88-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2015.07.011.
Chen, Juan, Shuo Chen, and Pierre F. Landry (2015). “Urbanization and Mental Health in China: Linking the 2010 Population Census with a Cross-sectional Survey.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(8): 9012-9024. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph120809012.
Chen, Juan and Shou Chen (2015). “Mental Health Effects of Perceived Living Environment and Neighborhood Safety in Urbanizing China.” Habitat International 46: 101-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.11.002.
Hyde, Melissa K., Suzanne Chambers, David Shum, David Ip and Jeffrey Dunn. (2015). “Psycho-oncology Assessment in Chinese Populations: A Systematic Review of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Measures.” European Journal of Cancer Care. DOI: 10.1111/ecc.12367.
Ip, David (2015). “When Farmers are Planting Houses…” China Journal of Social Work 8(3): 284-292. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2015.1082494.
Ku, Hok Bun (2015) “Post-disaster Community Development in Rural Sichuan, China,” Journal of Rural and Community Development, 10 (3): 120-130.
Ku, Hok Bun (2015) “My Two Local Practices” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studie. No. 98, Pp. 371-384.
Yan, Hairong, Chen Yiyuan, Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “China’s Soybean Crisis: The Logic of Modernization and Its Discontents” The Journal of Peasant Studies. 43: 2, 373-395.
Chen, Juan (2015). Urbanization and Subjective Well-being: Exploring County-level Variations in China. Paper presented at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Singapore, July 7-10.
Chen, Juan (2015). Preferences of Family, Community, and Residential Elder Care in Urban China. Paper presented at the 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD), Singapore, July 7-10.
Chen, Juan (2016). Subjective Well-being in Urbanizing China. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Urban Research and Theory: From Chicago to Shenzhen: The City One Hundred Years on, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 6-7 June.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Design and Social Work in Post-disaster Community Rebuilding in Ya'an of Sichuan, China” paper present in 9th Annual Social Work Research Symposium, 29th April, York University, Toronto.
Ku, Hok Bun & John Tsui (2015) “Rural-urban alliance” as new model of rural social work practice: a 15-years experiment in China” paper presented in the 19th ICSD International Symposium: Transforming Society: Trends and Models in Community Leadership and Social Development, 7-10, July, SIM University, Singapore.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Theory and Practice of Rural Social Work in China”, at Durham University, 28th January.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Culture and Development: Rural Social Work Practice in an Ethnic Minority Community of Yunnan Province, PRC”, at Durham University, 1st March 2
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Design and Green Social Work Practice in Post-Disaster Community Rebuilding in Ya'an of Sichuan, China,” at Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience, Durham University, 1st March.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Predicament of social work development in China: a critical observation and reflection”, at Durham University, 17th March.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) “Food Security Crisis and People's Self Protection Movement in China”, at York Center for Asian Research, York University, 19th April.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Ethnographic Intervention: Global Production and Workers “Power””, New European Research on Contemporary China Conference, Organised by French Center for Research on Contemporary China and Sino-French Academic Center, July 5-6.
(Further details please find Appendix 8)
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Dying for iPhone: Foxconn and the Lives of Chinese Workers”, Nordic Asian Studies Center, University of Copenhagen, June 17.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Problems in Hong Kong”, Tsinghua Institute for Advance Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, March 13.
(Further details please find Appendix 9)
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Class Politics: Migrant Workers and Global Capitalism in China.”, public talk at Paris Diderot University, July 4-8.
(Further details please find Appendix 10)
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Dying for iPhone: Foxconn and the Lives of Chinese Workers.”, public talk at University of Bologna, June 7.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Dying for iPhone: Foxconn and the Lives of Chinese Workers.”, public talk at the bookstore of Jaco Book, Milan, June 10.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Politics of Migrant Power: The Second Generation of Chinese Workers.”, public talk at University of Padua, June 8.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Dying for iPhone: Foxconn and the Lives of Chinese Workers.”, public talk at University of Bologna, June 7.
Pun, Ngai (2016). “Migrant Labor and China in Global Production Era.”, public talk at University of Rome Three, June 6.
Chen, Juan., Deborah S. Davis., & Pierre F. Landry (2017). Beyond Hukou Reform: Enhancing Human-Centered Urbanization in China (in both English and Chinese). Paulson Policy Memoranda, Paulson Institute. URL:
Chen, Juan (online first). Migration and Urban Mental Health in China. In Povl Munk Jorgensen, Niels Okkels, & Christina B. Kristiansen (Eds.), Mental Health and Illness Worldwide: Mental Health and Illness in the City (pp. 1-16), Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-0752-1_15-1.
Chen, Juan (forthcoming). Rural-to-urban Migrants: Access to Welfare Services and Integration into Urban Life. In Beatriz Carrillo Garcia, Johanna Hood, & Paul I. Kadetz (Eds.), Handbook of Welfare in China, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Chen, Juan (under review). Pathways to Urban Residency and Subjective Well-being in Beijing, China. In Ray Forrest, Julie Ren, Yip Ngai-Ming and Bart Wissink (Eds.), “The City” One Hundred Years On: Researching Cities from Chicago to Shenzhen, Policy Press.
Koo, Anita (2017). Disappearing Capital: Education Experiences of Returning Children at Rural Schools in The Blue Book of Migrant Children: Annual Report on Education for China’s Migrant (2016), ed. The 21st Century Education Research Institute, Social Science Academic Press.
Dominelli, L. & Ku Hok Bun (2017). “Green Social Work and Its Implications for Social Development in China”. China Journal of Social Work 10 (1): 3-22. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2017.1300338.
Glenzer, Kent., Alfredo Ortiz Aragón, Karim-Aly Saleh Kassam & Ku Hok Bun (ed.) (2017). “Special Issue: Development, Aid, and Social Transformation”. Action Research 15 (1): 1-128.
Yan, Hairong., Chen Yiyuan & Ku Hok Bun (2016). “China’s Soybean Crisis: The Logic of Modernization and Its Discontents” The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (2): 373-395. DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2015.1132205.
嚴海蓉、陳義媛、古學斌(2017)"中國的大豆危機 「現代化」的邏輯及話語權抗爭", 《臺灣社會研究季刊》,104號, 頁149-182
古學斌(2017)"道德的重量:論行動研究與社會工作實踐",《中國農業大學學報(社會科學版)》, 第3期, 34號,頁67-78。
Chen, Juan (2017). Urbanization Shidian in China: A Policy-driven Quasi-experimental Survey. Invited talk at the Shanghai and Hong Kong Symposium on City Development and Social Policy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, China, June 16, 2017.
Chen, Juan (2017). Beyond Hukou Reform: The National New-type Urbanization Shidian in China. Paper presented at the 2017 Urban China Research Network UCRN Conference “Rethinking Urbanization in China”, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, June 14-16, 2017.
Chen, Juan (2017). Urbanization in China: A Policy-driven Quasi-experimental Survey Design. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Practice Research (ICPR), Hong Kong, China, May 22-24, 2017.
Chen, Juan (2017). Research on Help Seeking for Mental Health Problems among City Dwellers: Implications for Family and Community Service Development. Invited talk at the 7th Conference on MSW Education: Family Service and Community Development in Transitional China, PKU-PolyU China Social Work Research Centre, Peking University, Beijing, China, March 11-12, 2017.
Chen, Juan (2016). Pathways to Urban Residency and Subjective Well-being in Beijing, China. Invited talk at the International Workshop on Urban Research and Theory, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, June 6-7, 2016.
Ku, Hok Bun (2017). From People-center to Eco-center Post-disaster Rebuilding: a Reflection and Recommendation. Present at the Conference of Theory and Practice of Disaster Social Work, Yaan, Sichuan, China, May 12, 2017.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) Social Work Education as Agent of Social Development, Paper presented at the SWSD 2016 Joint World Conference: Promoting the dignity and worth of people, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 27-30, 2016.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) Social Work as Altar: Serving God via Social Work Education and Practice, Paper presented at the SWSD 2016 Joint World Conference: Promoting the dignity and worth of people, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 27-30, 2016.
Ku, Hok Bun (2016) Design and Social Work in Post-disaster Community Rebuilding in Ya'an of Sichuan, China, Paper present at the 9th Annual Social Work Research Symposium, York University, Toronto, Canada, April 29, 2016.
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